當前位置:吉日网官网 - 傳統故事 - 關於春播的英語小故事?



2、英文答案:The story describes the first day of the first spring planting of a newly-wedded couple against the background of a traditional agricultural country. The story here does not have much of a plot. But the author has seized a very dramatic moment in the young couple’s life and has shown their life and dreams through his descriptions of their spring planting in minute detail. It is this quality that the power of this story mainly lies.


1、The Beginning of Spring.

立春春打六九頭, 春播備耕早動手, 壹年之計在於春, 農業生產創高優。

2、Rain Water.

雨水春雨貴如油, 頂淩耙耘防墑流, 多積肥料多打糧, 精選良種奪豐收。

3、The Vernal Equinox.

春分風多雨水少, 土地解凍起春潮, 稻田平整早翻曬, 冬麥返青把水澆。


清明春始草青青, 種瓜點豆好時辰 植樹造林種甜菜, 水稻育秧選好種。

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