三棵樹的故事有壹天,三棵小樹苗訴說他們將來的願望。第壹棵樹希望成為壹個寶箱,盛載最名貴的東西。第二棵樹說他希望成為壹艘飄洋過海的大船,船上載著壹位大君王。第三棵樹卻說他盼望沒有人來砍伐他,讓他留在森林,成為參天大樹,人們擡頭望它就望見上帝。歲月流逝,小樹苗漸長,在想不到的時候,樵夫上山伐木。第壹棵樹成了盛載萬民的拯救者,嬰孩耶穌基督的馬槽。第二棵樹成了壹條載著萬軍之主成人耶穌的小漁船,靜看耶穌在海上平靜風和浪。第三棵樹卻被砍伐下來,成了壹個屹立在各各他山上的粗糙的十字架。這十字架原來是神子耶穌為人的罪而死的刑具。然而,每個人擡頭仰望主耶穌,罪就得赦免。神有否垂聽三棵小樹苗小時候的禱告?故事的結局又帶給我們甚麼啟示呢!The Tale of Three TreesOnce upon a time, three little trees stood and dreamed of what they wanted to become when they grew up. The first little tree wanted to become a beautiful treasure chest and hold gold and diamonds; the second little tree wanted to become a strong sailing ship and carry powerful kings; the third little tree, unlike the other two, didn't want to be cut and made into anything – she wanted to become the tallest tree in the world so that when people stopped to look at her they would raise their eyes to heaven and think of God.Years passed. The three little trees grew tall. One day some woodcutters came to them with shining axes. The first tree ended up becoming the manger of newborn Jesus Christ, the one who saved all mankind from their sins. The second tree became the fishing boat from which Jesus, the King of Heaven and Earth, calmed the thrashing storm. The third tree, having been cut up into strong beams, became the cross that was raised at Calvary, witnessing the death of the Son of God. When people look up to God, their sins will be forgiven.Had God listened to the three little trees' prayers? What is the message the ending of this story is trying to give us?