Friendships may not last. Friendships can lose inportance and die gradually. Some friendships end abruptly with unresoved conflict. The worst enemy of friendships is change by one or both friends. There is usually pain with the loss of friendship. In fact, friendships end with pain and change. Unfortunately, even the best maintained friendships can end.
Yet, friendships end and friends part company every day. Many end because of a change in personality or lifestyle when friends just drift apart and fade away with time. There is a retreat from self-disclosure and seeking out each other's company. Advodance begins. The friendship slowly loses inportance and finally disappears.
I didn't even know the friendship was over until I caught myself thinking of SOMBODY as a former friend. In the past tense rather than the present. We started seeing each other less and less. The friendship was just over....
Lilian Rubin in her book JUST FRIENDS says," Thus generally it's true that friends accept each other so long as they both remain essentially the same as they were when they met, or change in similar directions. If they change or grow in different or incompatible ways, the friendship most likely will be lost."
Regardless of why, when, or how friendship end, there is always some pain of loss to assimilate. When nothing can be done to mend the friendship, it is important to grieve and feel the pain fully. Then move on to enhance another friendship or build entirely new friendships.
Let's listening a song by James Blunt, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.