2, rely on Taishan to ultra-North Sea, this can not and non-should not do so; for the elderly, broken branches, is should not do so, non-can not and. (Zhuangzi)
3, Chen no grandmother, no even today; grandmother, no minister, no to the final years. Two great-grandfather, but also phase of life. (Li Mi)
4, who made grass-inch heart, reportedly had three Chunhui. (Meng Jiao)
5, will pull out of clothes send, did not return lean Ge Wang. (Huang Zun-xian)
Care for the young make a more harmonious family
1, Zi Xiao parent heart width. (Chen Yuan Liang)
2, old age, as young as happy bar! Young people, like Lark, has its morning song; old age, like the nightingale should have his Nocturne. (Kant)
3, maternal hands of line, wandering body clothing. (Meng Jiao)
4, the mother's heart is children's paradise. (Italian proverb)
5, I looked at the cradle, my son grow up, I have no right to rest! (Jose Marti)
Care for the young to reflect the individual qualities
1, old age and respected, is the best of the human spirit as a privilege. (Stendhal)
2, respect for the elderly is a natural and normal, respected not only in words, and should be reflected in practice. (戴維德克爾)
3 pairs of parenting rewards of grace, but also the respect for human labor. (Proverb)
4, education and skills, all the secret also lies in how to care for children. (Suhomlinski)
5, instead of criticizing the child, it is better to be a role model. (Joubert)
Care for the young focuses on caring
1, must come up with their parents all the love, all wisdom and all the talent in order to train great people to come. (Makarenko)
2, there is no love of the parents who nurtured, often flawed person. (Makarenko)
3, children of the obligation to support and assist parents. (Proverb)
4, do you feel sympathy for the elderly fell to the ground, in your wrestling when no one came to help. (Indian Proverb)
5, using beatings to educate their children, but the educated and the great apes is similar to its offspring. (Makarenko)
Care for the young should start with small things around us
1, heartless not necessarily true hero, pity the child how not to her husband. (Lu Xun)
2, Do not make your beloved son to stay in your side, let him go out to exercise only renowned the world over. (Thailand proverb)
3, to a child, my move to be very moderate and cautious. (Marx)
4, I would like to teach the Xiang Xu, Shen them with the meaning of filial piety, award wearing a white person live on the road carry on! (Mencius)
5, Master said: filial piety, days after, real meaning of China's firms have. (Kangxi)
1、老吾老,以及人之老;幼吾幼,以及人之幼。 (孟子)
2、挾泰山以超北海,此不能也,非不為也;為老人折枝,是不為也,非不能也。 (莊子)
3、臣無祖母,無以至今日;祖母無臣,無以終余年。祖孫兩人,更相為命。 (李密)
4、誰言寸草心,報得三春暉。 (孟郊)
5、將出牽衣送,未歸倚閣望。 (黃遵憲)
1、子孝父心寬。 (陳元靚)
2、老年時像青年壹樣高高興興吧!青年,好比百靈鳥,有它的晨歌;老年,好比夜鶯,應該有他的夜曲。 (康德)
3、慈母手中線,遊子身上衣。 (孟郊)
4、母親的心是兒女的天堂。 (意大利諺語)
5、我望著搖籃,我的兒子在成長,我沒有休息的權利! (何塞·馬蒂)
1、老來受尊敬,是人類精神最美好的壹種特權。 (司湯達)
2、對老年人的尊敬是自然和正常的,尊敬不僅表現於口頭上,而且應體現於實際中。 (戴維·德克爾)
3、對父母養育之恩的報答,也是對人類勞動的尊重。 (俗語)
4、教育技巧的全部奧秘也就在於如何愛護兒童。 (蘇霍姆林斯基)
5、與其批評孩子,不如做個榜樣。 (茹貝爾)
1、必須拿出父母全部的愛、全部的智慧和所有的才能,才能培養出偉大的人來。 (馬卡連柯)
2、沒有父母的愛培養出來的人,往往是有缺陷的人。 (馬卡連柯)
3、子女對父母有贍養扶助的義務。 (俗語)
4、妳不同情跌倒在地的老人,在妳摔跤時也沒有人來扶助。 (印度諺語)
5、用毆打來教育孩子,不過和類人猿教養它的後代相類似。 (馬卡連柯)
1、無情未必真豪傑,憐子如何不丈夫。 (魯迅)
2、莫把心愛的兒子留在妳身邊,放他出外鍛煉才會名滿天下。 (泰國諺語)
3、為了孩子,我的舉動必須非常溫和而慎重。 (馬克思)
4、謹庠序之教,申之以孝悌之義,頒白者不負戴於道路矣! (孟子)
5、子曰:孝,天之經,地之義,民之行也。 (康熙)