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Beijing snacks used to be very famous in Beijing in the old days. The kind of snacks is varied, there were approximately more than 200 of them, but the most of the snacks are derived from Chinese Muslims. Bean Soup (豆汁) is one of the distinguished Beijing snacks. In making the bean soup, the only material is the remainings after making Tofu. Because of its low price, it was welcomed by the majority of Beijingers. Bean Soup tastes sour. If you are not familiar with Beijing, you will hate this at the first taste. Another famous Muslim style snack is Sweet Cake (糖火燒). It is made of flour and red sugar. It is sweet, but with no harm to your health. You will love it at the first bite. If you are not allergic to the viscus of animals, you can try to have some Luzhu (鹵煮). It is made of the tharm and stomarch of the pigs. Though seems to be disgust, it in fact very delicious. Most of Beijing snacks can be found around Qianmen Gate, but now, with the construction of that area, the snacks are facing great threat. As more and more youngsters pay little attention to the traditional things, they are now only welcomed by senior citizens.



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