全球只有極少數城市像北京壹樣長時間作為壹個國家的政治和文化中心。《不列顛百科全書》將北京形容為"One of the world's great cities"(全球最偉大的城市之壹),而且斷言,“這座城市是中國歷史上最重要的組成部分。在中國過去的八個世紀裏,不論歷史是否悠久,幾乎北京所有主要建築都擁有著不可磨滅的民族和歷史意義”。故宮、天壇、頤和園、北海等等數不勝數的古跡也為這座城市添加了更絢爛的色彩。
The general situation of Beijing
Beijing is the capital of PRC, which is the center of National politics, culture, transport, tourism and international exchanges. Located on north latitude 39°56', east 116°20'. The whole city makes up of 11 zones and 7 counties.
The modern Beijing has experienced about ten generation of operation, which had numerous illustrious Emperor City's sight and rich handsome cultural background, the world's largest imperial Palace and our Chinese largest temple of heaven, which is rarely seen in the Summer Palace of Royal garden, Great Wall, one of the world's eight major miracle, the largest tomb group -thirteen mausoleum and Homo erectus of Zhoukou store site had been listed by UNESCO as world cultural heritage.
To Beijing, what you see and feel is not only the ancient empire's majestic solemnity, heavy life, but also the modern city's trendy downtown, high-speed convenient. And the strong modern breath is blowing on your face when set foot in Beijing, with the 29th Olympic Games in 2008, Beijing will once again demonstrate her enchanting charisma in front of the whole world.