當前位置:吉日网官网 - 古玩市場 - 甚麽叫濕貨攤位和幹貨攤位?


1) 濕貨攤位 (Wet Goods Stalls):

準售的物品 (Saleable Articles)

a)鮮花 (Fresh Flowers)

b)石景盆栽 (Rock Plants)

c)觀賞魚 (Aquarium Fish)

2) 幹貨攤位 (Dry Goods Stalls):

準售的物品 (Saleable Articles)

a)涼果、幹果及果仁? (Dried and Preserved Nuts and Fruits)

b)賀?果 (Chinese Confectionery)

c)袋裝?味(如?鴨、?腸等)(Dried and Preserved Meat

(Lap Ap and Lap Cheung e) wrapped up in packets)

d)紙質裝飾品 (Paper Decorations)

e)人造花 (Artificial Flowers)

f)圖畫及日? (Pictures and Calendar)

g)玩具 (Toys)

h)文具 (Stationery)

i)古玩 (Curios)

j)陶瓷器 (Crockery and Chinaware)

k)檀香 (Sandalwood)

l)香燭 (Incense and Joss sticks)

m)?帶 (Ties)

n)?繡及洋雜 (Embroidery and Haberdashery)

o)塑膠用品 (Plastic Goods)

p)鞋 (Shoes)

q)書籍 (Books)

r)皮革用品 (Leather Goods)

s)衣服 (Clothes)

t)手工藝品 (Handicrafts)

u)百貨用品 (Sundries)

v)電腦及電訊產品 (Computer and Telemunication associated products)

3) 快餐攤位 (Fast Food Stalls):

準售的食品 (Saleable Articles)

a)預先煮熟的快餐食品 (Pre-cooked Fast Food)

b)面包西餅 (Bread and Cakes)

c)小食 (Snack)

d)雪糕 (Ice-cream)

e)汽水飲品,包括由持牌食品制造廠出品的?含酒精樽裝飲品,有無碳氣均可 (Soft Drinks including bottled, non-intoxicating, carbonated or non-carbonated drinks produced by licensed food factories)


?得在快餐攤位內處?食物或配制飲品 (Note ︰No preparation of food or mixing of drinks will be allowed at the fast food stalls.)

,參考: fehd/events/lnyf2009/2009_schedule_1.pdf,我要特別介紹壹下這家網路團購美食TOP1的賣家





觀看臺北濱江美食介紹 adf.ly/v7lwL,幹貨攤位 = 比人賣年花 (如水仙, 桃花等植物既攤位)

濕貨單位 = 比人賣普通貨品 (如公仔, 氣球, 年貨),參考: fehd/,花市 = 濕貨攤位

物品 = 幹貨攤位,參考: myself,

  • 上一篇:珠海知府堂金銀藝術品有限公司怎麽樣?
  • 下一篇:春節賞花都去哪兒?
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