當前位置:吉日网官网 - 古玩市場 - 介紹內蒙古包頭的英語演講稿


包頭,蒙古語意為“有鹿的地方”,所以又叫鹿城。包頭是內蒙古最大的城市,也是內蒙綠化面積最大的城市。 年末全市常住人口達238.13萬人,其中,城鎮人口165.79萬人,占全市人口的比重達69.6%。人口出生率7.08‰,比上年降低1.78個千分點。死亡率3.95‰。人口自然增長率3.13‰,下降1.42個千分點。



今日的包頭是我國西北地區牲畜、皮毛、糧食、藥材的重要集散地,也是河套地區黃河的航運中心,附近富產煤鐵等礦產,工業發展迅速,已成為我國重要的鋼鐵工業基地之壹。由於河套地區適宜種植甜菜,故此包頭不僅有“草原鋼城”之稱,同時亦是全國著名的制糖重地,糖廠的附近還建立了大型牧場。 下面是英語:Baotou, Mongolian meaning "place where the deer," so called Lucheng. Baotou is the largest city in Inner Mongolia is also the largest city in Inner Mongolia green area. The end of the city's resident population reached 2.3813 million, of which the urban population of 1.6579 million people, accounting for the proportion of the city's population reached 69.6%. The birth rate 7.08 ‰, lower than the previous year 1.78 per thousand points. Mortality rate 3.95 ‰. The natural population growth rate of 3.13 ‰, down 1.42 per thousand points.

Inner Mongolia Baotou is located in the central west, north according to big mountains, south of the Yellow River. Under the jurisdiction of kundulun area, Castle Peak area, East River District, nine of the original area, shiguai area, Bayan Obo, solid Zhongyang County, tumd flag darhan Ming lianheqi.

Baotou is located in edge of the desert sand-boarding Xiang Shawan is that people experience the fun and feel great place for desert style. The center is located in Baotou Sai Khan Tara is the only city prairie grasslands, the city has grassland, grassland, there are cities, unique in character, can not be said that a miracle of nature.

Today's header is in Northwest China livestock, fur, food, medicine an important distribution center, but also the shipping center in the Loop area of the Yellow River, near the rich coal and iron mines, industries are developing rapidly and has become China's major iron and steel industry bases. Due to the Loop area suitable for planting sugar beet, so header is not only a "Prairie Frank," said, it is also the country's leading sugar heartland, near the sugar factory has also established a large ranch.

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