糧店 grain store
食品點 food store
煤店 coal store
食品雜貨(副食品)店 grocery
醬園 sauce and pickles shop
肉店 meat (butcher's) shop
酒店 wine shop
水產店 aquatic products shop
家禽店 fowl shop
豆腐店 beancurd shop
烤肉店 roast meat shop
鹵味店 sauced meat shop
飲食店 food and drink shop
小吃店 eating house (snack bar)
飯店 restaurant
冷飲店 cold drinks shop
蔬菜店水果店 green grocery (green grocer's)
蔬菜店 vegetables shop
鞋帽店 shoes and hats store
百貨公司 department store
百貨商場 general merchandise market
服裝店 clothing store
成衣店 ready-made clothes shop
呢絨綢布店 wool, silk and cotton fabrics store
藥店(美:雜貨店) drug store (pharmacy)
兒童用品商店 children's goods shop
婦女用品商店 women's goods shop
鐘表店 watch and clock ship
文具店 stationer's (stationery shop)
日用雜貨店 daily-use sundry goods shop
炊事用具商店 cooking utensils shop
家用器具商店 household utensils shop
五金商店 metal products shop
家具店 furniture shop
眼鏡店 eyeglasses store
玻璃禮品店 glass gifts store
爆竹鞭炮店 fireworks shop
電器商店 electrical appliance shop
油漆店 paint shop
化工油漆染料店 chemicals, paint and dyestuffs shop
地產建材商店 native building materials store
照相館(攝影室) photographic studio (photographer's)
舊貨店 second-hand goods store (used goods store)
寄賣商店 commission shop
綜合修理店 general repair shop (service)
工藝美術服務社 arts and crafts shop
花店 flower shop
古玩珠寶店 antiques and jewelry shop
香煙店(攤) cigarette shop (stall)
售報亭 newspaper and magazine stand
茶館 tea house
理發店 barber's shop (hairdresser's)
洗澡堂 bath house
旅店/旅館 inn/ hotel
What can I do for you ?
Can (May) I help you ?
Is there anything I can do for you ?
May (Can) I do something for you ?
Which shirt (pen...) do you like ? 妳想買哪壹件襯衫(筆……)?
What size(colour、kind...)do you want ? 妳想買哪種型號(顏色、種類……)?
Do you like this size (colour、kind…)?妳喜歡這種型號(顏色、種類……)嗎?
Is this (Are these)all right? 這個(這些)可以嗎?
What about these(those) ?這些(那些)怎麽樣?
What else would you like?妳還想要點什麽?
Can you show me…? 妳能給我看看……嗎?
I would like(want) some…. 我想買……。
Have you got any…? 妳們有……嗎?
I’m looking for….我想買……。
How much is it (are they) ?多少錢?
How much do you ask for it (them) ?這個(些)妳要多少錢?
What does it come to ? 壹***多少錢?
Can it(they) be cheaper ? 能便宜點嗎?
That’s too much dear. 太貴了。
Can you sell it for two yuan ? 兩元錢妳賣嗎?
Can you come down a little ? 能便宜壹點嗎?
How much do you want ? 妳想要多少錢?
May I have a look at it(them) ? 我可以看看嗎?
Can I try it(them)on ? 我可以試壹試嗎?
…is (are) over there. ……在那兒。
1.I’m just browsing.(我只是隨便看看。)當妳走進商店,營業員通常都會走過來問妳“May I help you?”(需要幫忙嗎?)或是“Are you looking for something?”(妳想買什麽衣服?)如果妳只是隨便看看,不妨客氣地說“I’m just browsing.”或“I’m just looking.”這樣妳就可以在商店裏隨便逛了。如果妳要找某種衣服,如毛衣,妳就可以說,“I’m looking for a sweater. Could you help me?”(我想買壹件毛衣,妳能告訴我在哪裏嗎?)或是“Do you have any sweater?”(妳們賣毛衣嗎?)
2.May I try this on?(我能試試這件嗎?)如果想知道自己看中的衣服能不能試穿,可以問營業員“May I try this on?”當然,在美國,大部份衣服都是可以試穿的,倒是可以問營業員“Where is the fitting room?”(試衣間在哪裏?)有時進試衣間前,有人會在門口問妳“How many?”這時妳只要告訴她妳拿了幾件衣服就可以了。比如拿了兩件,妳回答“Two.”就可以了。這時候,她會給妳壹塊上面寫著2的牌子,進去之前,妳只要把這個牌子掛在門上。
3.I like this tank top.It goes with my baggy jeans.(我喜歡這件背心,它很配我的寬松牛仔褲。)
tank top就是背心。有壹種男生穿的純白背心,美國人把它戲稱為wife-beater。因為他們覺得穿這種背心的人通常有結實的肌肉,回家後喜歡打老婆。baggy是“寬松”的意思,如男生穿的寬松短褲就叫baggy pants。而我們熟悉的直筒牛仔褲是straight jeans。
4.Could you help me pick up a dress?(妳能幫我挑壹件禮服嗎?)
在正式場合,每位女士幾乎都有壹套正式禮服(即dress),特別是那種低胸(low cut)連身裙(evening gown)。有時可以用dressy來強調這件禮服很漂亮很時髦,如“Her dressy dress really caught my eyes.”(我的目光被她漂亮的禮服所吸引。)而dress up則是指作正式的穿著打扮,男女都可用,也就是女生穿禮服、的男生穿西裝打領帶了。
5.I just want to buy some off-the-rack clothes.(我只想隨便買壹些現成的衣服。)
rack指的是衣架,所以off-the-rack指的是那種由工廠大量制造的成衣,通常指很普通、的不是特別好的衣服。例如在某夜市買來的地攤貨,就可以說“It’s just something off-the-rack.”(只是件普通的衣服啦!)相比較,custom-made或tailor-made指的是“定做”的。如,“Ineed to get a custom-made tuxes do for my wedding."(我要為婚禮去定作壹件燕尾服。)
6.This shirt is very stylish and not very expensive.(這件襯衫又時髦又便宜。)
7.I don’t think this one will fit me.(我覺得這件衣服不合身。)買衣服時看到壹件自己中意的衣服,卻偏偏沒有合適的尺寸,可以說“It’s not my size.”或“It won’t fit me.”(大小不合適)。有些商店掛著alteration的招牌,則是指可以提供修改衣服的服務。
8.Your clothes don’t match.(妳的衣服不太配。)這句話指的是衣服不配,可能是顏色不配,也可能是樣式不配。當然,外國人的審美觀和我們中國人不大壹樣,營業員說這句話,妳可不必太把它當回事。
9.Let me ring that up for you.(可以結賬了嗎?)“埋單”的講法通常是check out。通常,選好了衣服就可以拿到收銀臺(cash register),跟店員說,“I want to check out.”有些營業員喜歡用ring up,同樣也是“結帳”的意思,因為在開收款機的時候通常會有ring的壹聲。有時候店員看到妳拿著衣服走過來,她會主動地跟妳說“Let me ring that up for you.”妳可以回答“OK.Go ahead and ring it up for me.”(好,那就幫我結賬吧!)
That is unreasonable! I will buy it if it were cheaper.
Lower the price ,and I will consider it .
I like everything about it except the price.
It is a little overprice。
I have seen this cheaper in other place.
If I buy more than one .will you give me a discount?
How much does this cost?
I like this.
I would like to take this one.
Do you have any other colors?
May I try this on?
Can you cut me a deal?
Can I pay by credit card?
Where can I change money?
What time do you open/close?
I'm looking for a gift for my friend.
Please wrap this for me.
Think you but I'm just looking.