當前位置:吉日网官网 - 古玩市場 - take out 和take out of 有什麽區別

take out 和take out of 有什麽區別

關於take out 和take out of 的區別,由我來給大家解答壹下吧 ヾ(?ω?`)o。

咱們大體了解壹下?:"Take out" 表示從某處取出物品,不涉及具體位置;"take out of" 表示從某個容器或特定位置中取出物品,並明確指出取出的物品所在的位置。它們的區別在於是否強調具體位置。

再來看壹個表格來比對壹下 take out 和take out of:

再看壹下 take out 和take out of 的具體區別,讓我們輕松拿捏?:區別1: 基本意義

"take out":表示從某處或某個位置中取出某物,強調執行動作。

"take out of":表示從某種來源或背景中取出某物,強調從整體中提取特定元素。

take out例子:

1. I will take out the books from the shelf. (我將從書架上拿出書。)

2. He took out a pen from his bag. (他從包裏拿出壹支筆。)

take out of例子:

1. She took the cookies out of the jar. (她從罐子裏拿出了餅幹。)

2. The chef took fresh vegetables out of the refrigerator. (廚師從冰箱裏取出新鮮的蔬菜。)

區別2: 使用場景

"take out":常用於日常生活中,涉及從某處取出物品,例如從包裏、抽屜、箱子等。

"take out of":常用於描述從某個容器、組織、群體等中取出特定的事物。

take out例子:

1. They will take out food from the restaurant for a picnic. (他們將從餐廳帶外賣去野餐。)

2. Please take out the trash from the bin. (請從垃圾箱裏把垃圾拿出來。)

take out of例子:

1. The teacher took the toys out of the box for the children to play with. (老師從盒子裏拿出玩具讓孩子們玩。)

2. The detective took evidence out of the crime scene for further examination. (偵探從犯罪現場取出證據進行進壹步調查。)

區別3: 強調程度

"take out":更強調執行動作,簡單地表達取出某物。

"take out of":更強調從整體中分離特定的元素或成分。

take out例子:

1. She quickly took out her wallet and paid the bill. (她迅速地拿出錢包付賬。)

2. He took out his phone to take a photo of the beautiful scenery. (他拿出手機拍攝美景。)

take out of例子:

1. The chef carefully took the eggs out of the carton. (廚師小心地從紙盒裏取出雞蛋。)

2. The archaeologist took ancient artifacts out of the excavation site. (考古學家從挖掘現場取出古代文物。)

區別4: 接受者

"take out":通常沒有明確的接受者,表示動作的執行。

"take out of":通常需要指定接受者,表示從整體中提取特定元素並交給某人或某個地方。

take out例子:

1. He took out money from his wallet. (他從錢包裏拿出錢。) → 這裏並沒有明確的接受者。

2. She took the keys out of her bag and handed them to her friend. (她從包裏拿出鑰匙遞給她的朋友。) → 這裏有壹個明確的接受者。

take out of例子:

1. The teacher took out markers from the box and distributed them to the students. (老師從盒子裏拿出馬克筆並分發給學生。) → 這裏指定了接受者,即學生們。

2. The nurse took out medicines from the cabinet and gave them to the patients. (護士從櫃子裏拿出藥品給病人。) → 這裏指定了接受者,即病人們。

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