常言道,快樂是激情與技藝摩擦的結晶。換句話說,人們做自己喜歡的事情容易成功。自然,因從事所愛之事而獲得報酬是許多人夢寐以求的生活。可惜,多數人都覺得這種生活可望而不可及。其實未必如此。許多興趣和激情能夠而且也確實締造了美好的事業和完滿的人生。 Exercising運動 Fitness gurus who are passionate about staying fit have a unique opportunity to teach what they love to do. Whether you excel at weight lifting, yoga, pilates or mountain biking, you can take classes to become an instructor. Also consider getting a job as a coach for schools and clubs.攝影 Everyone can take a picture with a camera, but it's no secret that some are better at making images than others. If you possess impressive photography chops, people will pay you good money for your work. To build your portfolio, offer your services for low prices and then work your way up.誰都會用相機拍照,但眾人皆知有些人就是能比別人做得更好。如果妳攝影技藝了得,人們就會優酬請妳拍照。要獲得成功,妳可以先廉價提供服務,然後再壹步壹步擴大。 Carpentry木工活 With countless factories creating wooden furniture for impressively low prices and at impressively fast speeds, you'd think there'd be no demand for handmade carpentry skills. That's not the case. Many home and business owners still appreciate fine craftsmanship and are willing to pay for handmade, sturdy, one-of-a-kind pieces.有數不清的工廠能夠迅速生產出物美價廉的木制家具,妳可能覺得手工木匠活怕是無人問津了,不過事實並非如此。許多家庭和企業主仍然欣賞好的木工手藝,也願意為那些堅固的百裏挑壹的手工木活花費大手筆。 Music音樂 For some, music isn't just a hobby -- it's necessary to their happiness here on Earth. If you fall into the "music lover" category, perhaps a career in staffs, notes and key signatures is for you. You can give private voice or music lessons in your home or rent a studio and work from there.對有些人而言,音樂不只是愛好——更是他們活在人世的快樂源泉。如果妳也是“音樂愛好者”,或許這個跳動著樂符的事業比較適合妳。妳可以在家教授私人聲樂課,也可以租個音樂棚用於工作。 Fashion時尚 It may come as a surprise, but those who scrupulously follow the latest trends and coo over magazine covers and strangers' outfits can actually make money off their love of all things fashion-related. For example, fashion gurus can become personal stylists, serving as a client's "voice of reason" when it comes to wardrobe. Fashion lovers often make great blog and book writers, too.聽上去或許有些驚奇,但那些對最新流行趨勢亦步亦趨、對雜誌封面和他人著裝評頭論足的人其實也能從所愛的時尚類行業中賺錢。比如,時尚達人可以變身為私人設計師,在穿衣打扮方面成為客戶的“權威發言人”。時尚達人還能成為優秀的博主和作家呢。 Baking烘焙 Starting a baking business requires you to go through some licensing and perhaps some kitchen renovations to meet government standards, but the payoff is rewarding. Begin by having friends and family test your baked goods and then promote yourself around the neighborhood and city.從事烘焙業得要妳先獲得營業執照,或許還要休整壹番廚房,以便達到政府要求,不過烘焙行業報酬可不賴。先讓親朋好友嘗嘗妳烘焙的食物,然後再擴張到小區和市區範圍。 Blogging寫博客 If you're a writer and you enjoy having an audience read your work, consider starting an online blog or two. The topic should be about something you're both passionate and knowledgeable about. Know that money won't flood in right away, since it takes awhile to build up readers, and readers are necessary for ad revenue.古玩收藏 Scouring local thrift stores, flea markets and garage sales and then reselling your findings at a higher price can be quite lucrative. Vintage collectors should have comprehensive knowledge of the goods they're buying and selling. You can sell your treasures online or set up shop at an antiques store.妳淘盡當地小店、跳蚤市場以及清倉大甩賣,然後再以高價售出,那麽利潤則相當可觀。藏家應對自己買賣的物品足夠了解才行。妳可以網上賣出寶貝,或在古玩店擺個小櫃臺。 Landscape Maintenance景觀護養 For some, mowing their lawn, pulling weeds and mulching the garden is a dreaded -- and sometimes neglected -- chore. If you're someone who actually enjoys doing those things, you'll find your services are greatly appreciated. Post advertisements at local cafes, bookstores and other shops to start bringing in clientele.不是所有人都能夠隨時隨地保持井井有條。所以,如果妳天生就會做清潔和打理的工作,考慮壹下從中獲益吧。找到妳喜歡做的整理工作吧!