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Unit 2 What's the matter?





例句:A: What's the matter?(怎麽了?)

B: I'm not feeling well.(我感覺不舒服。)I have a cold.(我感冒了。)

A: When did it start?(什麽時候開始的?)

B: About two days ago.(大約兩天前開始的。)


1. have a cold 患感冒

2. a few 有些

3. at the moment 此時/現在

4. have a stomachache 肚子疼

5. have a sore throat 嗓子疼

6. have a fever 發燒

7. lie down 躺下

8. see a dentist 看牙醫

9. have a headache 頭疼

10. have a toothache 牙疼

11. hot tea with honey 熱茶加蜂蜜

12. stressed out 緊張

13. go to bed early 早睡覺

14. listen to music 聽音樂

15. go to party 參加音樂會

16. on the other hand 在另壹方面

17. stay healthy 保持健康

18. have a sore back 背疼

19. traditional Chinese doctors 傳統中醫

20. a balance of yin and yang 陰陽平衡

21. too much 太多

22. a balanced diet 飲食平衡

23. go out at night 在晚上出去

24. feel well 感覺舒服

25. conversation practice 對話練習

26. host family 房東

27. give sb a fever 導致某人發燒

OK?希望能幫到妳啊!我是英語牛人團的 Ivy !

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