我和妳的區別在於:妳在等傘,我在等雨停。The difference between you and me is that you are waiting for the umbrella, and I am waiting for the rain to stop.
凡是先討好自己、至於別人、分交情、看心情。Usually please yourself first, as for others, divide friendship, see mood.
這個世界上人人平等,不付出真心豈能得到真心!Everyone in this world is equal. If you dont give your heart, you cant get it!
不是妳珍貴才喜歡,正因為喜歡妳才珍貴。Its not that youre precious that you like it. Its just because you like it that youre precious.
或許,有些情感,對視的真誠與溫暖,足夠了。Perhaps, some emotions, sincere and warm, enough.
與其安慰自己平凡可貴,不如拼盡全力活得漂亮!It is better to live a beautiful life with all ones strength than to comfort oneself with ordinary and precious things!
我愛妳時妳才那麽閃耀,我不愛妳時,妳什麽都不是。You shine when I love you. You are nothing when I dont love you.
我有感情潔癖,不能讓我獨自擁有,我就不要。I have a passion for cleanliness. If I cant have it alone, I dont want it.
我是妳的風箏,線在妳手上,可陪伴我的只有風。Im your kite. The string is in your hand. The only thing that can accompany me is the wind.
日益努力,而後風生水起,眾生皆苦,妳也不能認輸。If you work hard, you cant admit defeat.