當前位置:吉日网官网 - 錢幣收藏 - 文物是否應該向公眾開放英語作文


Nowadays, an increasing number of museums are open to the public with freeadmission. A variety of political, cultural and educational programs sponsored bymusems has been attracting more and more visitors to the museums, where they can gainknowledge about history, literature, art, science and so on. Some museums have becomea good resort for people to leisurely enjoy the weekends and holidays.However, free admission to museums may cause several negative problems as well.With the increase of visitors, there is possibility that displays of the museums aresubject to damage to some extent. Another problem is that many museums are in urgentneed of extra funds to perserve displays, maintian exhibition space, updatefacilities and carry on daily administration. Besides, some visitors litter, spit,make big noise and wreck properties in the museums and their bad behaviors severelyaffect the environment and museum management.I highly appreciate free-access to museums since it is a good policy for thepublic. In my opinion it is conductive to the raising of people’s cultural qualitiesand the construction of a civilized society. Therefore, more museums and artgalleries should be open to the public free of charge. The government should grantmore financial assistence to the free-admission museums, and, on the nother hand, themuseums should take some effecitve measure to imporve their management so that theycan provide better service to the public.

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