妳好。我根據自己讀過的壹本書寫了壹篇文章。I read On the Road in 10th grade, after my American history teacher recommended it. I had always been an avid reader, but this was the first book that really resonated with me. The adventures they went on, the crazy characters they came across, the notion of living for words and poetry and friends and love—it so appealed to me as a teenager growing up with very little in China. I loved that these guys didn’t need a lot of money to have these experiences, and that art could be created anywhere, by anyone, regardless of who they were and where they came from. Not only did the novel encourage the writer in me, but it sparked my dream of one day living in big city like New York. Had I not read that book, continued to study writing and dared to dream big, who knows where I would be now. 總結:Books help me to develop the habit of thinking critically. Reading books is of great importance to my life. I enjoy every single moment of reading books. 希望能幫到妳哈!~