要用歌聲讓妳忘了所有的痛 help you to forget all of your pain by the song
燦爛星空誰是真的英雄 in shining sky who is the real hero
平凡的人們給我最多感動 common people give me more move
再沒有恨也沒有了痛 no pain and no hate any more
但願人間處處都有愛的影蹤 hoping you can find love everywhere
用我們的歌換妳真心笑容 using my song change your real smile
祝福妳的人生從此與眾不同blessing your life will be different from then
把握生命裏的每壹分鐘 cherish every minute in your life
全力以赴我們心中的夢 make our dream to come true
不經歷風雨怎麽見彩虹 you can not see rainbow if not experience difficulty
沒有人能隨隨便便成功 no one can succeed easily
把握生命裏每壹次感動 cherish every move in your life
和心愛的朋友熱情相擁 hug your true friends
讓真心的話和開心的淚 let real word and happy tear
在妳我的心底流動 flow in our heart