當前位置:吉日网官网 - 盛世收藏 - 請問壹下 "書法"英文怎麽講啊?

請問壹下 "書法"英文怎麽講啊?

書法: [ shū fǎ ]

1. penmanship

2. calligraphy


1. 平面造型藝術包括書法和平版印刷術。

The graphic arts include calligraphy and lithography.

2. 她以其秀麗的書法而使我驚異。

She astonished me with her beautiful handwriting.

3. 妳的書法需要改進。

There is need for improvement in your handwriting.

4. 他的書法不錯,但是很難和妳的相比。

His handwriting is not bad, but it's hardly comparable with yours.

5. 她的書法有了明顯的進步。

There's been a noticeable improvement in her handwriting.

6. 他以他的書法為自豪。

He prides himself on his handwriting.

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