當前位置:吉日网官网 - 盛世收藏 - 誰能幫我作壹篇英文關於運動會的 作文-100字左右

誰能幫我作壹篇英文關於運動會的 作文-100字左右

I am a sports enthusiast and I love all kinds of sports. But shot put means different to me because it was the first time for me to attend a sports meet as an athlete in my life. I was the first one to throw the shot and I was nervous. It was not very far after my first throwing. I took a deep breath and had a second try. In the end, I won the fifth. Though I did not win the first, it is the first prize for me in terms of sports. It was an exciting moment in my school life and I will remember that moment for ever.(112字)

我是壹名體育愛好者,所有的項目我都喜歡。 但是鉛球卻對我意義非凡,那是我生命中第壹次作為壹個運動員參加運動會。我是第壹個上場的,有點緊張。第壹次的投擲不是很遠。我深呼吸了壹下,做了第二次嘗試。結果,我取得了第五名的成績。 盡管我沒有贏得第壹,但卻是我第壹次在體育這壹領域得獎。那是壹個令人激動的時刻。我會永遠記住它。

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