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購物袋的英語為shopping bag


I ask myself, Why did I even visit the lake? Why blow across the sand alone like adiscarded shopping bag?我問自己,為什麽我竟會來到這湖邊?為什麽由風吹起的沙子這麽像被丟棄的購物袋?

The handles of the shopping bag are made of transparent fishing line, wich makes it look like it is being held without handles.?這款購物袋的把手用透明的釣魚線制成,看上去妳就像什麽也沒提著而它就這麽漂浮在空中壹樣!

The elevator doors slid open before him and a couple in their thirties, dressed inelegant coats and scarves, emerged with bright cheeks and shopping bags.電梯在他面前打開了,走來壹對三十多歲的夫婦,他們穿著優雅的外套和圍巾,帶著生動的臉頰,提著幾個購物袋。

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