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When I think back through the years as I was growing up, I can recall many birthday parties that made me happy. Although my family didn't have a lot, my family always found a way to bring joy to my birthday. I remember when my husband and my daughter took me to my favorite restaurant last year. It was early April. My husband, my daughter and I went down to The Melting Pot restaurant at Plaza Venezia in Orlando. I can still remember the beautiful restaurant. I was just amazed by the food and the service. I was so excited as we approached the place. We walked through the front door, and the lady took our reservation. Once we entered the restaurant, we began to look for our table. When our server found it, we started to eat. I was just so overjoyed to be there. Going to a Melting Pot on my birthday was something that I had always dreamed about. That day will always live on in my mind as one of the happiest birthdays of my life.

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