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Deep-fried gluten balls are a traditional food in Tai- wan. They are made using wheat ?our as a raw material. 油面筋在臺灣是壹種傳統食品。它們用小麥面粉作為原材料來制作。At ?rst, the ?our is washed with water to obtain wet gluten, which is then cut and shaped into balls and fried in oil to obtain deep-fried gluten balls (Chang, Chen, & Wu, 1996; Chen, Chen, Wu, & Chang, 1998). 首先,面粉用水洗以獲得濕面筋,然後將其切割和成型為球狀,並在油中炸,從而得到油面筋(Chang, Chen, & Wu, 1996; Chen, Chen, Wu, & Chang, 1998).While the ?our is mixed with water, the network structure of glu- ten is gradually formed during concomitant stirring (Bietz & Wall, 1980; Huebner, 1977). 在面粉與水混合的同時,面筋的網絡結構在伴隨的攪拌過程中逐步形成(Bietz & Wall, 1980; Huebner, 1977)。The network struc- ture of gluten is co-stabilized by disul?de bonds, hydro- gen bonds, and hydrophobic interactions (Huebner, 1977; L asztity, 1972).

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