當前位置:吉日网官网 - 收藏品 - 訂雜誌 的壹些翻譯

訂雜誌 的壹些翻譯

1 I booked several magazines last year.

2 I just booked 3 magazines last year.

3 Have you ordered yet? How many dishes have you ordered?

4 I have ordered 4 dishes,if it is not enough,we can order more

5 How many months have you ordered the milk/newspaper

6 I have ordered 3 month (for the newspaper/milk)

7 I advise you not to read/buy that book.It is very boring.

8 I advise you to buy/read this book.It is very interesting.

  • 上一篇:蜀錦和湘雲紗哪個好?
  • 下一篇:請問誰能告訴我紅色和金色的酒瓶裏裝的是什麽酒?
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