秋天到了,天氣使我感到絲絲涼意,我向田野望去,金黃色的壹片,樹葉呢?秋天的樹葉是多彩的,秋天的樹葉是獨特的。 午後,我來到小公園,爬到山坡上,壹眼就看到了銀杏樹。銀杏樹的樹葉像把小扇子。秋風吹來,銀杏葉就隨風壹起搖擺,像在為我們扇風。這時,壹個奇怪的念頭,鉆進了我的腦袋:秋天之所以那麽冷,會不會是被它們扇成這樣的呢?我看了看銀杏樹,它似乎在向我點頭。銀杏樹的葉子是淡黃色,用力搖晃,樹葉猶如壹只只黃蝴蝶翩翩起舞。 小公園裏還有壹片竹林,現在它的葉子還是那麽青翠。遠遠望去,就像壹個個挺直腰的綠士兵,保護著“大自然”這座城堡。怪不得詩人常以松竹梅“歲寒三友”來表達孤傲的品格。 在眾多樹葉中,我最喜歡楓葉,壹到秋天,它就脫去紅襯衫,穿上紅棉襖,像壹個美麗的姑娘穿著華麗的衣裳,光彩照人.The autumn arrived, the weather makes me to feel the faint trace cool feeling, I look to the field, a golden yellow piece, leaf? Autumn's leaf is the multi-colors, autumn's leaf is unique. Afternoon, I arrive at the small park, crawls to the hillside on, saw the gingko tree. Gingko tree's leaf likely small fan. The fall breeze blow comes, the gingko leaf with the wind together swings, likely for our air fan. By now, a strange thought that sneaked in my head: Autumn the reason that cold, can be is become by their fan such? I look at the gingko tree, it as if in nods to me. Gingko tree's leaf is faint yellow, the effort sways, the leaf just likes an only yellow butterfly dances lightly. In the small park also some bamboo grove, now its leaf is that verdant. Looks by far, looks like the green soldier who one each one very relaxes, is protecting “the nature” this castle. No wonder the poet often “the three cold-resistant friends of winter” expresses the arrogant moral character by the pine. In the numerous leaves, I most like the maple leaf, one to the autumn, it takes off the red shirt, puts on the red cotton-wadded jacket, looks like a beautiful girl to put on the magnificent upper and lower garments, the brilliance is illuminating the human.秋天:Autumn