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昨日重現 (中文歌詞) 歌手:卡朋特

年少時我喜歡聽著收音機 等候我喜歡的歌曲輕輕響起

我獨自為它伴唱 讓我感到歡喜 這樣的幸福時光早已遠去

我多想知道他們到了那裏? 象失散朋友再次回來 所有的歌曲

我還是那樣喜歡 每壹句 sha la la la 每壹句wo wo 仍散發光芒

每壹句sing aling aling 他們唱得還是如此動聽

當歌曲演繹到 傷心的地方 確實讓我哭泣 這是 昨日重現啊

回頭看看走過的這些時光 幸福記憶讓今天的我很感傷 有太多已經改變

那首我曾為他唱的愛情歌曲 每句歌詞還印在我腦海裏

那些舊的記憶依舊那麽美妙 為我帶走 這麽多年的憂傷

每壹句 sha la la la 每壹句wo wo 仍散發光芒

每壹句sing aling aling 他們唱得還是如此動聽 所有美妙回憶

清晰向我襲擊 壹些確實讓我哭泣 就象以前那樣 這是昨日重現啊

Yesterday Once More

when i was young i'd listen to the radio

waiting for my favorite songs

when they played i'd sing along,

it make me smile.

those were such happy times and not so long ago

how i wondered where they'd gone.

but they're back again just like a long lost friend

all the songs i love so well.

every shalala every wo'wo

still shines.

every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing

so fine

when they get to the part

where he's breaking her heart

it can really make me cry

just like before.

it's yesterday once more.

(shoobie do lang lang)

looking bak on how it was in years gone by

and the good times that had

makes today seem rather sad,

so much has changed.

it was songs of love that i would sing to them

and i'd memorise each word.

those old melodies still sound so good to me

as they melt the years away

every shalala every wo'wo still shines

every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're startingto sing

so fine

all my best memorise come back clearly to me

some can even make me cry

just like before.

it's yesterday once more.

(shoobie do lang lang)

every shalala every wo'wo still shines.

every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing

so fine

every shalala every wo'wo still shines.

every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing Q1:把老歌比喻成老朋友 具體:but they're back again just like a long lost friend Q2:年輕聽歌時的心情是歡喜 具體:it make me smile. Q3時態是壹般過去式 具體:it was songs of love that i would sing to them 作者詳解:中文譯名:席琳 狄翁 英文名字:Celine Dion 生日:1968年3月30日 出生地:加拿大,魁北克,Charlemagne 星座與生肖:白羊座、猴 婚姻狀況:與ReneAngelil結婚 經紀人:ReneAngelil 眼睛的顏色:淺褐色 身高:1.71米(5英尺7.5英寸) 優點:有主見和毅力(她曾經三個星期沒有壹點 聲音,為了使聲帶得到休息) 缺點:她是壹個饕餮者而且有時非常性急,尤其是在早上 幸運數字:5(她在壹個小口袋中珍藏著壹枚她從地上撿到的鑄造於1968年的5分硬幣) 香水:Channel#5(ofcourse) 最喜歡的顏色:黑、白、和紅 收藏:小茶杯和水晶物品,當然最有名的是她超過千雙的鞋 運動:滑雪,滑水和滾軸溜冰 其它的工作:專業模特 最喜歡的男歌手:Stevie Wonderand Michael Jackson以前Celine曾通過其它人向Michael要簽名,他送給Celine壹張寫有“TO Celine With Love”的簽名照片和壹頂簽過名的帽子(他在Billy Jean的Video中戴的) 最喜歡的女歌手:Natalie Cole,Barbra Streisand and Ginette Reno 樂器:鋼琴

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