當前位置:吉日网官网 - 中國傳統 - 5--10個有關於中秋節的單詞或短語


mid-autumn festival 中秋節

traditional festival?傳統節日

full moon 滿月

Jade Hare-the moon ?玉兔

goddess in the moon 嫦娥

sweet-scented osmanthus wine 桂花酒

joyfully celebrate 歡慶

moon cake月餅

a reunion dinner 團圓宴

enjoy the glorious full moon 賞月

worship of the moon ?拜月

The Goddess Chang flied to the moon ?嫦娥奔月

the God Wu Gang cut down the cherry bay 吳剛伐桂

the God Hou Yi made the moon cake 後羿造餅

the Jade Hare-the moon pounded medicine in a mortar玉兔搗藥

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