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1、無形之刃,最為致命-The unseen blade is the deadliest

2、悄無聲息-Without a sound

3、忍術裏沒有禁忌可言-No technique is forbidden

4、直面暗影,找尋真理-Brave the shadows, find the truth

5、不要畏懼迷離之道-Do not fear the shrouded path

6、均衡,是愚者的導師-Balance is a fool's master

7、保守秘密,就如同浪費武器-Secrets kept are weapons wasted

8、暗影,啟發了我-The shadows have enlightened me

9、均衡,脆弱無比-Balance is weakness

10、 真理,存乎暗影之中-The truth lies in darkness

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