This paper analyzes the level of self-evaluation and parental rearing factors related more to explore the causes of self-evaluation of the relevance and parenting, and predictors of self-evaluation, and thus interfere with parental rearing styles, provide a reference for parents, to educate children will make scientific and accurate self-evaluation. 文章將對以下問題進行探討:1)大學生報告的父母教養方式的特點及教養方式各維度上的性別與年級差異。 Article will discuss the following issues: 1) students reported parental rearing characteristics and rearing of various dimensions of gender and grade level differences. 2)大學生報告的父母教養方式的類型以及各類型人數。 2) Students report the type of parental rearing and the number of each type. 3)大學生父母雙親教養類型的壹致性。 3) Students type of consistency in parenting their parents. 4)獨生子女與非獨生子女的父母教養方式的差異性。 4) The parents of only children and rearing differences. 5)大學生父母教養方式與自我評價的相關性。 5) Students parenting and self-evaluation of the relationship.