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各位大神幫忙寫篇英語作文 介紹goanna(澳洲巨蜥)的 150左右就行

1 komodo dragon is the largest surviving lizards, the biggest 3.13 m, there are other in saint Louis zoo. The larger, but didn't. Generally speaking, the evidence about long - 2.1 m, female about 1.8 m

2. Because they will eat the food of time, so the body from the last feeding on time. But how about in the hunt for general 250kg.

3. It has a good sound and vision, but mainly by hunting. Lots of oral bacteria infections bitten prey.

4, mostly hide in the early living trees. They can swim, but not other. When the dragon sprint speed can reach every hour, but in general 9km 18km.

5. People often took it with the dinosaurs, says it has more than the original much. But in fact it is the oldest appeared in about 4-5 million years ago. Compared with other dragon or crawler, it is hard for the prosperity of the modern period in the dragon (about 1 million to 6 million years ago) only 3000 currently the world about the komodo dragon.

1. 科莫多龍是現存最大的蜥蜴, 最大的有3.13m, 在聖路易斯動物園. 有其他更大的傳聞, 不過都沒證據. 壹般來說, 雄的大約長至2.1m, 雌的大約1.8m.

2. 由於它們壹次會進食大量的食物, 所以體重視乎離上次進食的時間多久. 但壹般在獵食時大約有250kg.

3. 它有好的聽覺和視覺, 不過捕獵主要靠嗅覺. 口腔有大量細菌能感染被咬獵物.

4. 獨居, 初時多半躲在樹洞內. 會遊泳, 但不如其他巨蜥好. 疾沖時速度可達每小時18km, 但壹般在9km左右.

5. 人們常拿它跟恐龍比, 說它有多原始多古老. 但其實它是出現在距今大概4-5百萬年前而已. 比起其它巨蜥或爬蟲, 它算狠現代了(巨蜥的繁盛期在大概1億至6千萬年前).現時世界大約只剩3000只科莫多龍了.

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