當前位置:吉日网官网 - 傳統節日 - 2019年6月英語四級翻譯題:國畫與維吾爾族




 國畫是中國文化遺產的重要組成部分。不同於西方畫,它是用毛筆(Chinese brush)和墨汁在宣紙(xuan paper)上作畫的。精通這門藝術需要不斷重復的練習, 需要控制好毛筆,需要對宣紙和墨汁有壹定的認識。繪畫前,畫家必須在腦海裏有壹個草圖並根據他的想象力和經驗進行繪畫。許多中國畫家既是詩人,又是書法家。他們經常會在自己的畫上親手添加詩作。


 Chinese painting is an important part of thecountry's cultural heritage. It distinguishes itselffrom Western painting in that it is drawn on xuanpaper with the Chinese brush and Chinese ink. Toattain proficiency in this art, it is necessary to havea good control of the brush, and certain knowledge of xuan paper and Chinese ink besidesrepeated exercises.Before painting, the painter must have a draft in his mind and drawaccording to his imagination and experience.Many a Chinese painter is at the same time a poetand calligrapher who often adds a poem with his own hand on the painting.


 1.不同於西方畫,它是用毛筆和墨汁在宣紙上作畫的:“不同於”可譯為distinguish oneself from sth.,也可用bedifferent from 表示。“毛筆和墨汁”可譯為the Chinesebrush and Chinese ink,此處可同用壹個冠詞表示整體;“用”可用介詞with,表示方式。

 2.精通這門藝術需要不斷重復的練習,需要控制好毛筆,需要對宣紙和墨汁有壹定的認識:“精通這門藝術”可譯為toattain proficiency in this art,attain意為“獲得、獲取”,proficiency意為“精通、熟練”。“需要控制好毛筆,需要對宣紙和墨汁有壹定的認識”,該句可理解為“控制好毛筆和認識宣紙、墨汁也是必要的”。



 維吾爾族(Uygur)是中國的壹個少數民族。維吾爾族人喜歡喝奶茶,吃肉和用面粉烤制的饢(nang)。他們有自己的語言和文字。他們的文學具有壹種獨特的民族風格,其中“阿凡提的故事”(the Story of Afanti) 中國各族人民的喜愛。維吾爾族是個能歌善舞的民族,每逢節日和婚禮,他們都會邀請客人和他們壹起跳傳統民間舞蹈。他們的民歌優美動聽,被廣泛傳唱。


 The Uygur is a Chinese ethnic minority.Uygur people like to drink milk tea, eat meat and nang baked with flour.They have their own spoken and written languages.Uygur literature is of a unique ethnic style, among which the Story of Afanti is favored by all ethnic groups in China.The Uygur people are good at singing and dancing.They will invite guests to join them in their traditional folk dance in festivals and wedding ceremonies.Their folk songs sound beautiful and are widely sung.


 1.第2句中的定語“用面粉烤制的”較長,可將其處理成後置定語,用分詞短語baked with flour來表達,表被動。

 2.在第3句中,“語言”側重指口頭的,而“文字”則側重指書面的,故該句可譯為They have their own spoken and written languages。該句也可對應地譯為 They have their own languages and characters。

 3.在第4句中,“具有……風格”可用be of... style來表達;“其中……”可用among which引導的定語從句來表達,將前後兩個分句連接起來,使分句間的語義關系更加緊密。

 4.倒數第2句較長,後兩個分句“每逢……”和“他們都會……”之間語義聯系緊密,可合譯為壹個句子,第1個分句則單獨另成壹句。在“維吾爾族是個能歌善舞的民族”中,“能歌善舞”的施動者是“人”,而非“民族”,故需譯為 The Uygur people are good at...。“每逢......”作狀語,可譯為 in festivals and wedding ceremonies,置於句末。

  • 上一篇:2018成都美食攻略成都有什麽好吃的小吃和特產
  • 下一篇:中國詩歌的發展(壹個簡單的過程,而不是壹部傑作和壹個詩人)
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