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關於儒家 道家 墨家 法家 的發展和主要思想 要求全英文 O(∩_∩)O謝謝

墨家:Mohist founder mo-tse, its thought: love not attack, it is force, firm the day was buried, in the warring states later has not valued.(墨家創始人墨子,其思想有:兼愛非攻,尚力,節用節葬,在戰國以後壹直未受到重視)

儒家:Confucian founder Confucius, mencius and xunzi after and. Confucius's thought core is the kernel and rite, mencius thoughts core is benevolent governance, xunzi has simple materialistic thought, Confucianism in dong put forward to the emperor "rejection of various philosophical," adapted to the centralized, Taoism and the rise of Buddhism, which makes the Confucianism facing crisis, Confucian thoughts to adapt to the contemporary society, now the world a "Confucianism hot", many countries have built Confucius school.(儒家創始人孔子,在此後還有孟子和荀子。孔子的思想核心是仁和禮,孟子的思想核心是仁政,荀子具有樸素的唯物思想,儒學在董仲舒向漢武帝提出“罷黜百家,獨尊儒術”後適應了中央集權,道教和佛教的興起,使得儒學面臨著危機,儒家的思想適應當代社會,現在全世界掀起“儒學熱”,很多國家都建有孔子學校。)

道家:The founder of the Taoist Lao zi, after that have chuang tzu. Lao tze thought core is the author, zhuang zi's thought is the core of all things.(道家創始人老子,在此之後有莊子。老子思想核心是辨證論,莊子的思想核心是齊物。)

法家:These two ferraris of pole is han fei, of course, Reese is also rich in, HanFeiZi emphasize method, technique, the potential combination of law is the law, art is power tactics, the potential is power. In the qin dynasty when they have been praised highly nomocracy thought.



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