當前位置:吉日网官网 - 傳統美德 - “傳承”這個詞的含義與意義是?


拼音chuán chénɡ


出處郭沫若 《孔墨的批判·墨子的思想體系》:“ 堯 舜 禪讓雖是傳說,但也有確實的影響,那就是原始公社時的族長傳承的反映。”



1. Smriti

2. lineage

Customs that come down from colonial times.


descended from a common ancestor but through different lines.


Should this trend be allowed to continue, one can hardly imagine that the Chinese culture can still be passed down.


(of societies) being ruled by or having descent traced through the male line.


of societies or families; being female dominated or having descent traced through the female line.


According to the rituals of Tibetan Buddhism and historical traditions, after a Living Buddha passes away his position should be inherited by his incarnation through traditional methods.


The state holds in great esteem the system of reincarnation of Living Buddhas, which is characteristic of Tibetan Buddhism and an important succession method of the leadership of Tibetan Buddhism, and has profound respect for the religious practices and historical conventions of Tibet's main religion.


But he devotes most of his comments on the father to son letters which he sees as the transmission of cultural values in which the relationship between family members, extended family and friends are strenuously upheld.


The young can acquire values that shape their aspirations, their thinking and mentality and their spirituality. It is a good way to promote national unity, create a sense of cultural identity, as well as ensure that the cultural heritage is being preserved. The effects are not immediately obvious, but they are deep and wide.


For Singapore, even if it chooses to put aside the burden of shouldering 5000 years of China's cultural tradition, merely from the economic viewpoint, the Chinese language is clearly a prerequisite for trade with China.


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