當前位置:吉日网官网 - 傳統文化 - 如何應對音樂類話題的雅思口語考試



1 Do you like music?

No, I don'treally like music, and I don't listen to it. It's not something

that I've ever been interested in.


2 What kind of music did you listen to when you were young?

I can't remember listening to much music asa child either. I suppose I must

have heard some traditional music at festivals or parties, but I didn't take

much notice of it.


3 When was the last time you went to a concert?

I've never been to a music concert. Maybe Ishould try going to one; perhaps

it would be interesting to see an orchestra playing classical music.


4 Would you like to participate in a live music show?

No, definitely not. I don't play a musical instrumentand I don't sing,so I

can't imagine that I'd ever find myself performing to an audience.



traditionalmusic 傳統音樂

atfestivals /at parties 在節日/派對上

a music concert 壹個音樂會

orchestra play classical music 管弦樂隊演奏古典樂曲

play a musical instrument 演奏樂器

perform to an audience 給觀眾表演

participatein a live music show 參加現場的音樂表演

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