2. Fish and chips魚肉和薯條
3. Shepherd's pie肉餡土豆餡餅
4. Jellied eels鱔魚凍
5. Trifle水果松糕
6. Marmite馬麥醬(塗在面包上)
7. Steak and kidney pie排和牛腰餡餅
8. Mushy peas豌豆糊
9. Black pudding血腸
10. Toadinthehole布丁牛排
11. Bangers and mash肉泥與土豆泥
12. Lancashire hotpot蘭開夏火鍋(肉,洋蔥,土豆等為主材料)
13. Cornish pasty康爾瓦郡菜肉烘餅
14. Pork pie豬肉餡餅
15. Chutney酸辣醬
16. Worcester sauce伍斯特沙司
17. Scones with jam果醬餅
18. Kippers腌魚