當前位置:吉日网官网 - 傳統文化 - 西式早餐與茶點(必要中英對照)





早餐與茶點各要兩份(中英對照) THX

As per your Home Economics (家政) Teacher ' s request (要求)

assignment (任務) is as below. Breakfast & tea snacks (茶點) with Western style: A. Food: 1. Toast (多士) 2. Muffin (松餅) 3. Cookie (甜餅幹) 4. Biscuit (鹹餅幹) 5. Pancake (烤餅) 6. Pudding (布甸) 7. Chicken tart (雞批) 8. Apple pie (蘋果批) 9. Sandwiches (三文治) 10. Pastry (糕點

尤指酥皮點心) 11. Cheese cake (芝士蛋糕) 12. Garlic bread (蒜蓉包) 13. Omelette (煎蛋餅

俗稱奄烈) 14. Oats (燕麥片) B. Beverage (飲料): 1. Milk coffee (牛奶咖啡) 2. Black coffee (齋啡) 3. Latte (牛奶咖啡) 4. Cappuccino (泡沫咖啡) 5. Milk (牛奶) 6. Fruit juice (果汁) 7. Black tea (紅茶) 8. Scented tea (花茶) 9. Tea with milk (奶茶) 10. Chocolate milk (朱古力奶) Oh~~ Very full (飽) now! 圖片參考:.yimg/i/icon/16/35 2007-05-15 22:14:15 補充: 5 score question. More than fair of my reply la~~ Yes

the knowledge world is somewhat (頗) snobbish (勢利) too. Anyway

tks for your selection. P.S. In fact

I hv skipped to see your supplement (補充). Otherwise

I will try to fulfil them.

  • 上一篇:衣櫃掛褲架是什麽 衣櫃掛褲架有什麽好處
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