當前位置:吉日网官网 - 古玩市場 - 上古卷軸5刺客雙持經測試可能會出現60倍-16*15倍 不準再說三神狀態下 潛行匕首不如單手劍了!

上古卷軸5刺客雙持經測試可能會出現60倍-16*15倍 不準再說三神狀態下 潛行匕首不如單手劍了!


Remaining undetected is useful for getting into position to initiate a?sneak attack?or to commit a?crime?unwitnessed. You have a "detection value"; how this is used is very involved - there's an entire system of Stealth Points, like hit points but for stealth - but you can think of it as how easy you are to detect: higher is easier.

Detection Value = fSneakBaseValue + (Sound factor * Distance attenuation ) + (Visual factor * Distance attenuation) + (Noticer skill factor * Distance attenuation) + (Noticer skill factor - Sneaker skill factor)

Replacing with the constants used in the unmodded game:

fSneakBaseValue = -15

Distance Attenuation = ((fSneakMaxDistance - distance) / fSneakMaxDistance)fSneakDistanceAttenuationExponent

Distance Attenuation = ((2500 - distance)/2500)2

Distance Attenuation = (1 - distance/2500)2

fSneakMaxDistance = 2500

fSneakDistanceAttenuationExponent = 2

Detection Value = -15 + (Sound factor + Visual factor + Noticer skill factor) * (1 - distance/2500)2?+ (Noticer skill factor - Sneaker Skill factor)

You perform a sneak attack when you physically strike someone who is unaware of your presence. The amount of damage you inflict via sneak attack is generally increased by a factor that depends on the weapon type and whether you have unlocked certain perks.

Weapon Type

Damage Multiplier

(without perk)

Applicable perk(s)

Damage Multiplier

(with perk)

Unarmed (fists) x2 N/A x2

Bow x2 Deadly Aim x3

Two-handed x2 N/A x2

Sword/Mace/Axe x3 Backstab x6

Dagger x3 Backstab x6

Assassin's Blade x15

看清楚了嗎?點滿潛行技能的時候,潛行狀態下匕首能造成15倍傷害,但是劍和斧單手武器即使雙持也只能達成6倍傷害,雖然我貼出來的東西佐證了妳的觀點,但是妳的論據根本就是胡謅八扯麼,簡直是潛行匕首的黑粉,別用嘴吹,上證據,什麽東西都腦補的話,別人只會覺得妳是個極其單純的人,值不得推敲,我的意思,懂?grow up,come?on!!!

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