本周三,調查英國在2003年伊拉克戰爭中行為的特別報告終於在推遲多年之後問世。這項調查由曾擔任高層公務員的約翰?齊爾考特(John Chilcot)牽頭進行,審閱了數千份文檔並采訪了上百名目擊者,最終報告的篇幅超過了兩百萬單詞。
拿到這周的翻譯,我快速地瀏覽了下文本。文本篇幅不長,主要圍繞關於03年伊拉克戰爭中英國行為的調查報告來展開,介紹了報告的基本情況、目的以及少許大眾對此的反響。了解大意之後,便開始著手翻譯,無奈發現首段中有壹些表達,例如 “特別報告”、“高層公務員” 等,自己無法確定。
由於自己不太確定“調查”和“特別報告”,於是便在google裏輸入了“英國伊拉克戰爭報告”+“Britain report on Iraq War”接著頁面顯示:
向下翻發現了wiki,原來這裏的”調查”用的是inquiry(Longman Dictionary:an official process to findout about something),(wiki搜尋平文本的好地方)點進去切換成英文的文本 mittee的主席:Sir John Chilcot?(chairman), a career diplomat and? senior civil servant ?who was previously a member of the?Butler Review.
而senior civil servant可以記下來作為“高層公務員”的表達;senior:having a higher position, level,or rank高級的,高職位的
看到publication壹欄:The Inquiry's? final report? was published on 6 July 2016. Comprising 2.6 million words? in 12 volumes, plus an executive summary, a physical copy was priced at767. Bereaved families received afree copy.[37] It was also published online.
中文文本中提過“最終報告”“篇幅超過兩百萬單詞”,這壹小段英文中出現的“final report”和comprise...words便可以記下來
動詞:be published/released/issued/ unveiled
E.g.The Chilcot Report, a British inquiry into the Iraq War,was unveiled on Wednesday.
短語: the publication of/ the unveiling of thereport,這裏可以讓Wed作主語,謂語用mark/witness/see來組句。
平行文本出處:posed of five privy councillors, finally publishedits report onthe morning of 6 July, seven years and 21 days after it was established byGordon Brown with a remit to ‘look at the run-up to the conflict, the conflictitself and the reconstruction, so that we can learn lessons’
平行文本出處:mittee應運而生,我覺得在這個文本裏的Iraq Inquiry可能指的是committee.
delay n.&v.動名詞均可
動詞詞組:drag out (to last unnecessarily long or proceed for anextended period of time)
It dragged out so long.?
it指的是the report,平行文本出處:/news/uk-36442521
be led by; be chaired by (chair:act aschairman of or preside over an organization, meeting, or public event 擔任組織會議或公***活動的主席,主持,監管)
former/retired highsenior servant/top senior servant
VOA用的是top,但我覺得還是看英國的主流媒體,用senior;組織句子上可以用壹個同位語 The inquiry isled/chaired by John Chilcot, a former/retired senior civil servant
The inquiry has analysed more than 150,000 government documents as well as other material related to the invasion.?
interview hundreds of witnesses
另外我還從報道上發現了這樣的表達“從...獲取證據”hear/take evidence from
The inquiry? heard/took evidence from ?a varietyof witnesses.
The Inquiry ?took evidence from? those whom it judged best placed to provide a first-hand account of events either in person or by written statement.
這些都是找到的平行文本,可以參考的表達有:The report runs to(固定搭配“達到壹定的量”) ...words; The report is...long; The report comprises...words
The report's long-awaited publication(出版物)follows 130 sessions of oral evidence, the testimony of more than 150 witnesses and is more than 2.5 million words long .
Comprising ?2.6 million words in 12 volumes, plus an executive summary, a physical copy was priced at 767.