普通:I have to place the information in the attachment, please check。
I sent the information as mail attachment, please check。
正式:The attachment is the information that you want, please check。
The info you want is with the attachment ,please check。
翻譯成英語:“我已經把文件傳真給妳了,請查收”I have faxed the file to you,please check it.
中翻譯英:"附件裏是我已經轉換之後的文件,請查收"Please check the documents in the enclosure that I have converted
款已匯出,請查收。 怎麽翻譯成英文?The money has been remitted,please check.
翻譯成英文,謝謝! 附件是中標通知書,請查收!附件是中標通知書,請查收!
Please find the attached advice note of winning the bidding, please confirm receipt.
Please note that the attachment is the advice note of getiing the bidding for a project.
翻譯成英語 請查收附件二票貨的出貨資料。謝謝妳的幫助please check your attachment.
翻譯成英語 以下貨物將於x月x日出貨,附件為出貨資料,請查收The goods will be shipped in a day, aessories for the shipment information, please check
求翻譯:我已經將簡歷添加在附件中,請查收是什麽意思I have added my resume into the attachment, please check it.
以下附件為修改後的發票等,請查收.請幫忙翻譯成英文謝謝The attachment to the revised invoice, please check it
翻譯成英語 請查收附件修改了付款條款的發票Please find the attached invoice with modified terms of payment.