it only can hold o people to survive; If you have simultaneously fallen in love with several people
that is only in the sentimental game
cannot be called the true love. 愛情的領域非常狹小,它只能容納兩個人生存;如果妳同時愛上了幾個人,那只是感情上的遊戲,不能稱為真正的愛情。 2) 莎士比亞 In the love person
more everywhere publicizes their love
their love more is le against. 戀愛中的人,越是到處宣揚他們的愛情,他們的愛情越是靠不住。 3) 博恩.崔西 You said any
hoped any
anticipated any
wants anything not to be unimportant
only had you to make any only then to keep a promise. 妳說什麽、希望什麽、期待什麽、想要什麽都不重要,只有妳做了什麽才算數。 4) 伏爾泰 (法國哲學家) The world all splendor riches and honor are inferior to a good friend. 人世間壹切的榮華富貴不及壹個好朋友。 5) 恩佐 Actually I as soon as put out a hand
may hug you
but I have too have scruples. Thereupon I hide behind you
arranges a piece of soft cloud
waited for has day you many hearts to fall inside my gentle cloud . 其實我壹伸手,就可以擁抱妳,但是我有太多顧忌。於是我躲在妳背後,布置壹片柔軟的雲,等待有天妳不少心落在我溫柔的雲裏。 我最中意第5句 因為好浪漫 可能有d句子譯得5對 sor~~~ 所以比埋中文妳 加油ar!!!! 可以參考這個中文的 希望幫到妳la!!!!
很多名人金句、格言 quoteland/
參考: quoteland
To be or not to be
that is a question. 莎士比亞ge 名句.....
-Do What Your Heart Told You- Princess Diana
參考: me
"Go ahead
make my day" Clint Easood "You can run
but you can't hide." President Reagan 2006-12-30 17:13:50 補充: an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind(by:印度聖雄甘地)