1、Hold one end of the Measuring Tape over the plug, then wrap around the ball's circumference until the ends meet.(將測量帶的壹頭覆蓋住塞子,然後用另壹頭繞球壹圈直至兩頭相接。)
2、The man who worked at the cash register noticed my fascination with it and offered the tape to me for being such a good client.(收銀員看到我這麽好奇,慷慨地把磁帶送給了我,以嘉獎我這名好顧客。)
3、The wrapping paper was all twisted, and it was bound together into a shapeless mass by at least a mile of tape.(禮物外面包著皺皺巴巴的包裝紙,又用至少壹英裏長的膠帶裹成了亂糟糟的壹團。)
4、After so many years as the enemy, the bathroom scale and the measuring tape are about to become some of your best friends.(在與體重搏鬥了這麽多年以後,浴室裏面的磅秤和卷尺已經成了妳的壹部分。)
5、After formatting, each file or tape contains a media header for the media set and is ready to receive backup content.(設置格式後,每個文件或磁帶都包含媒體集的媒體標頭,可以開始接收備份內容。)