當前位置:吉日网官网 - 盛世收藏 - 誰能寫壹篇關於收藏品的英語作文?代翻譯,急。。。。


My father has a great collection of sports goods, it is he spent a long time collection. He has a collection of five football, one of which was also above the signature of Beckham, and he very like it. He still have ten volleyball, the pattern is very beautiful, he play volleyball every day. Beyond that, he has a collection of three tennis rackets and three tennis, he also plays tennis every day, this is a very dynamic movement. He welcome you to visit the collection. 我父親有壹個偉大的集體育用品,是他花了很長時間來收集。他收集了很多五個橄欖球,其中之壹就是上面還貝克漢姆的簽名,他非常喜歡它。他仍然有十個排球,樣式非常漂亮,他打排球,每壹天。除此之外,他所收藏的三個網球拍和三個網球,他還打網球每壹天,這是壹個很有力的運動。他歡迎您訪問收藏。

  • 上一篇:裝了個360極速瀏覽器,請教它的收藏夾的內容存放在哪個文件夾中,想做個備份。
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