正如諺語所說
as
the
proverb
goes
2.
愛屋及烏bai
love
me
,love
my
dog
3.
百聞不如壹見duseeing
is
believing
4.
笨鳥先飛A
slow
sparrow
should
make
an
early
start
5.
功夫不負有心人everything
comes
to
him
who
waits
6.
金無足赤人無完人gold
can't
be
pure
and
man
can‘zhit
be
perfect
7.
留得青山在不愁dao沒柴燒where
is
the
life,there
is
the
hope
8.
千裏之行始於足版下the
highest
eminence
is
to
be
gained
step
by
step
9.
前事不忘後事之師Past
experience
,if
not
forgotten
,is
a
guide
for
the
future
10.
誰言寸草心,報得三春暉權Such
kindness
of
warm
sun
,can't
be
repaid
by
grass