apolitical a. showing no interest in or paying no attentionto politics 不問政治的
approachable a. that can be approached 可接近的
assume v. take into association 聯合;會並
be exposed to phr. be made known 認知;接受
be smitten with phr. infatuated with 傾倒
beckon v. call somebody's attention by a movement of one's head, hand or arm示意
blossom v. deve1op 興旺;發展
brush somebody aside phr. pay no or little attention 不理睬
bury one's head in the sand phr. avoid one's problem like the ostriches dowhen they are confronted with enemies逃避(困難)
carry away phr. to be excited 激動的
climax n. event, point of greatest interest or intensity 高潮
cone n. 松樹的球果
conservatory v. building or part of a building with glasswalls in which plants are protected from cold 溫室,花房
corny a. often heard or repeated 陳腐的
crisp a. hard, dry and easily broken 脆的
cynical a. of or like a cynic, person whosees little or no good in anything and who has no belief in human progress 憤世嫉俗的
debut n. (esp. of a young woman) first appearance at adult parties and othersocial events 初次登場
decorum n. right and proper behavior as required by social custom 禮貌,禮節
delicate v. devote 奉獻
desperately adv. 非常地
distract v. draw away one's attention 使分散註意力
drape n. curtain 窗簾
eclipse v. (fig.) make (somebody orsomething ) appear dull by comparison; outshine 使黯然失色
enroll v. become a member of 招收
errand n. short journey to take or get something 差使,使命
eventually adv. final1y 最終
evoke v. call up, bring out 引起
exuberance n. vigor 活力
finale n. the last division of a piece of music 終曲
gazebo n. 涼亭
gloriously adv. enjoyab1y happily 愉快地
habit n. a piece of clothing shape like a long loose dress, which a nun or monkwears 修女服
hit n. something, such as a musical or theatrical performance, which issuccessful風行壹時的事物
humiliating a. lowering the dignity or self-respect of 屈辱的
impulsive a. acting on impulse 沖動的
incorrigible a. that cannot be cured or cured 無可救藥的
looming a. appearing indistinctly and in a threatening way 隱約或威脅性出現的
lyrics n. verses of song 抒情的韻文,歌詞
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non-calculating a. not scheming, not shrewd 真誠的,不斤斤計較的
number n. a piece of music 壹支歌曲
odyssey a. long adventurous journey or series of adventures 壹連串冒險的
outspoken a. saying freely what one thinks, frank 直言的
pitch n. (music and speech ) degree of highness or lowness; quality of sound 程度;定調
pledge v. give as security: put in pawn 保證;抵押
postulant n. candidate to a religious order見習修女
rapture n. great joy and delight 狂喜
recluse n. person who lives alone andavoid others 隱士
Reverend Mother n. Mother superior of a convent 院長嬤嬤
roam v. walk or travel without any definite aim or destination 閑逛
sappy a. silly or foo1ish 愚蠢的
sash n. long strip of cloth worn round the waist 腰帶
satin n. silk material smooth and shinyon one side 緞
savor a. appreciate the taste or flavor of 欣賞,品位
schnitzel n.炸牛排
seclude v. keep apart from the company of others 使隔離,隱居
sibling n. one of two or more Persons having the same parents 兄弟,姐妹
sleek a. soft, smooth, and glossy 圓滑的
sleigh n. sledge 雪橇
slumber n. (liter and rhet) sleep 睡眠
soak v. cause to absorb as much liquid as possible 使浸透
sophisticated a. having 1erned the ways of the wor1d and having 1ost natural simplicity(過於)成熟的,老練的
spontaneous a. done, happening from natural impu1se 自發的,自動的
sticky a. (slang) unpleasant, difficult 處於困境的
strudel n.果餡卷
stunning a. splendid, ravishing 出色的,令人賞動悅目的
summon v. demand the presence of 召喚
suspenseful a. full of suspense or uncertainty 充滿懸念的
take to doing something phr. get into a habit of doing something 養成做某事的習慣
tell on somebody phr. reveal a secret, inform against 告發
The Third Reich 第三帝國
torture v. cause severe suffering to 折磨
transgression n. sin, offense against aprinciple 違反,過失
trifle n. things, events, etc. of 1ittle value or importance 瑣事
tuneful a. having a pleasing tune, melodious 優美的
undoubtedly adv. certainly 無庸質疑地
utmost a. most extreme 極端的
utterly adv completely 完全地
vaudeville n. (US) variety; kind of entertainmentconsisting of singing, dancing, acrobatic feats, short plays. etc. as given inmusic halls 歌舞雜耍
vespers n. church service in the evening(天主教的)晚禱
whiskers n. long stiff hair growing near the mouth of a cat 胡須
whole-heartedly adv. with undivided attention 全心全意地
worldly a. non-religious世俗的
yacht n. 遊艇