當前位置:吉日网官网 - 中國傳統 - 中國傳統節日的中英文介紹



中國有許多傳統節日。其中,每年的七月初七情人節,是每對情侶都期待的節日。每年的九月初九是重陽節,每家都會去祭祀家中已逝去的親人。還有,十二月初八的臘八節,每家每戶都會喝臘八粥。除此外,還有傳統的春節、元宵節、端午節、中秋節等。 ☆英文: There are many traditional Chinese festivals. Each year, on the seventh day, valentine's day, each couple are looking forward to the holidays. Each year in September 9th, each will double is already lost at home to sacrifice. Also, December 8, every household will be the LaBaJie drink it. ChuCiWai, and the traditional Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn festival, etc.

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