If you have a taste for adventure you’ll be well rewarded in Mexico; if not stick to a few simple and traditional dishes that are almost always excellent and not too spicy. You’ll find standards much higher than if you search the menus for something familiar.
Mexican cuisine has some superb rich or spicy dishes, but we recommend that you take it easy for the first few days until your stomach has grown accustomed to its new environment.
Upset stomachs are commonly associated with unpurified water used in ice or used to wash salads and fruit, stressful traveling, or simply bacteria different to those at home. Mexicans also suffer when they travel abroad, and if you stay in Mexico for more than a few weeks you may even experience the same acclimatization disorders when you reach home.
Once you’ve settled down, however, do try some of the regional specialties. It’s all part of the experience, and for many people Mexican food is one of the great attractions of a vacation.