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春節,傳統名稱為新年、大年、新歲,但口頭上又稱度歲、慶新歲、過年。古時春節曾專指節氣中的立春,也被視為壹年的開始,後來改為農歷正月初壹開始為新年。 Chinese New Year, the traditional name for the New Year, Danian, New Year, but also called the degree of verbal-year-old Qing New Year, Chinese New Year. Ancient Chinese New Year have been specifically moral courage in the beginning of spring, is also seen as the beginning of the year, and later changed to start the New Year who started the first lunar month.春節到了,意味著春天將要來臨,萬象復蘇草木更新,新壹輪播種和收獲季節又要開始。人們剛剛度過冰天雪地草木雕零的漫漫寒冬,早就盼望著春暖花開生機勃勃的日子,當新春到來之際,自然要充滿喜悅載歌載舞地迎接這個節日。



春節是東亞許多國家和地區慶祝新年的主要節日。越南語稱為“T?t Nguyên ?án”(節元旦)、日語稱為“正月”(註:日本節日“正月”類似於中國的元旦也即1月1日。)(明治維新後改稱舊正月)、韓語稱為“?”(此乃固有詞,即新年之意)。現在春節除了在中國、朝鮮半島、越南、日本等地之外,在蒙古、老撾、緬甸、柬埔寨、泰國、新加坡、馬來西亞、印度尼西亞等地也都是最重要的節日之壹。


據《爾雅》記載,堯舜時稱年為“載”,夏代稱年為“歲”,商代稱年為“祀”,直到周代才稱為“年”。Spring Festival to the means spring will come, Vientiane vegetation recovery updates, a new round of sowing and harvesting season is beginning. It has just withered vegetation, ice and snow through the long winter, has long been looking forward to the vibrant warmth of spring days, when the Lunar New Year is approaching, will naturally be filled with the joy of singing and dancing to welcome the holiday.

Spring Festival is also called the lunar year, Chinese New Year, Chinese New Year, New Year, commonly known as "New Year, Danian, Guo Danian." Lunar calendar is based on the law of the Moon Yin Qing Yuan to set missing; and the solar calendar is based on the functioning of the Earth around the sun cycles specified. A very long history of the Spring Festival, which originated in the Shang period drew to a close in the first ritual of ancestor worship activities. Ancient Chinese New Year have been specifically refers to 24 solar terms in the beginning of spring, and later changed to who started this first month in lunar calendar (ie, who started the first lunar month), is considered the beginning of the Lunar New Year, namely Suishou. According to China's Lunar New Year, the first month who started in ancient times known Mongol Yuan Chen, Yuan-cheng, Yuan Shuo, New Year's Day and so on, commonly known as New Year's Day.

This is our most solemn people, the most lively one traditional festivals. The traditional sense of the Spring Festival is the eighth day of the wax from the twelfth lunar month festival, or the twelfth lunar month Niansan, Niansi the Jizao, until the end of the first month in the Lantern Festival on the 15th, and even the whole first month, are New Year's Eve and the first lunar month started this as a climax.

Han Chinese New Year is the most important traditional festivals. Chinese New Year this tradition during the holiday season, it held various kinds of celebration activities, these activities are to worship deities, worshiping ancestors, Chujiubuxin, Fu Ying Hei then pray for good harvest as the main content. Yao, Zhuang, white, mountains, Hezhen, Hani, Daur, Dong, Li, Manchu, Mongolian and a dozen ethnic minorities also had the custom of Chinese New Year, but in the form of festivals each with their own ethnic characteristics.

Chinese New Year is celebrated in many East Asian countries and regions, the main New Year's holiday. Vietnamese known as the "T? T Nguyên 0?9n" (Day New Year's Day), Japanese, known as the "first month" (Note: The Japanese Festival, "the first month," that is similar to the Chinese New Year's Day January 1.) (Later renamed the old Meiji Restoration the first month), Korean "?"( This is known as the inherent word, meaning that the New Year). In addition to the Spring Festival is now in China, the Korean Peninsula, Vietnam, Japan and other places outside of Mongolia, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and other places are also the most important festivals.

Chinese New Year and Ching Ming, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival known as Han Chinese of the four traditional festivals. "Spring Festival" has been selected for the world record of China Association for China's biggest holiday, ranking first among China's four traditional festivals. May 20, 2006, "Spring Festival" Folk by the State Council approved the inclusion of the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage site.

According to "Er Ya," records, Yao and Shun, said that as the "set" Hsia said that as the "old," Shang said that as the "worship" until the Zhou Dynasty was known as the "years."

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