當前位置:吉日网官网 - 傳統美德 - 寫壹篇介紹二十四節氣中“立秋”的英語作文



Autumn is the beginning of autumn. The sun reaches the yellow longitude 135 degrees every year on August 7 or 8. The Chinese lunar New Year, the seventh lunar New Year. Autumn, pull also, the thing is in this and clench also." The fall of autumn generally indicates that the hot summer is coming and autumn is coming. After the autumn (solar term), the next rain in the autumn is cool, so there is "a cold autumn rain". "Four people's moon order" : "the autumn, chilly; The night begins, the heat stops. Early in the zhou dynasty, in the early days of the autumn, the father of the three male relatives of the three officials to the western suburbs to yingqiu, held a sacrificial ceremony. According to the record, in the autumn of the song dynasty, the palace was to be planted in the basin of the wutong in the temple, waiting for the "autumn" when the time of the day, too, the recorder will be loud. When they finished, the wutong dropped one or two leaves for autumn.


立秋是秋季開始的節氣。每年8月7日或8日太陽到達黃經135度時為立秋。《月令七十二候集解》:“七月節,立字解見春(立春)。秋,揪也,物於此而揪斂也。”立秋壹般預示著炎熱的夏天即將過去,秋天即將來臨。立秋(節氣)以後,秋後下壹次雨涼快壹次,因而有“壹場秋雨壹場寒”的說法。東漢崔 《四民月令》:“朝立秋,冷颼颼;夜立秋,熱到頭。” 早在周代,逢立秋那日,天子親率三公九卿諸侯大夫到西郊迎秋,舉行祭祀儀式。據記載,宋時立秋這天宮內要把栽在盆裏的梧桐移入殿內,等到“立秋”時辰壹到,太史官便高聲報奏。奏畢,梧桐應聲落下壹兩片葉子,以寓報秋之意。





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