1、情人節Valentine's Day, also known as St. Valentine's Day or St. Valentine's Day, dates on February 14 of the Gregorian calendar, is one of the traditional festivals in Western countries, which originated from Christianity.Now it has become a famous romantic festival all over the world, but people in different countries express their love in different ways.情人節,又稱聖瓦倫丁節或聖華倫泰節,日期在每年公歷的2月14日,是西方國家的傳統節日之壹,起源於基督教。如今已經成為全世界著名的浪漫節日,但是不同國家的人們表達愛意的方式卻各不相同。2、萬聖節Halloween, also known as All Saints'Day, is a traditional Western Festival on November 1, and October 31, the eve of Halloween, is the most lively time of the festival. Halloween Eve is often translated into Halloween in Chinese.萬聖節又叫諸聖節,在每年的11月1日,是西方的傳統節日;而萬聖節前夜的10月31日是這個節日最熱鬧的時刻。在中文裏,常常把萬聖節前夜訛譯為萬聖節。3、聖誕節Christmas, also known as Christmas, is translated as "Christ Mass", which originated from the Lunar New Year celebration in ancient Rome and has nothing to do with Christianity. After the popularity of Christianity in the Roman Empire, the Holy See drifted this folk festival into the Christian system to celebrate the birth of Jesus.But it is not Jesus'birthday on Christmas Day, because the Bible does not record when Jesus was born, nor does it mention such a festival, which is the result of Christianity's absorption of ancient Roman mythology.聖誕節又稱耶誕節,譯名為“基督彌撒”,它源自古羅馬人迎接新年的農神節,與基督教本無關系。在基督教盛行羅馬帝國後,教廷隨波逐流地將這種民俗節日納入基督教體系,同時以慶祝耶穌的降生。但在聖誕節這天不是耶穌的生辰,因為《聖經》未有記載耶穌具體生於哪天,同樣沒提到過有此種節日,是基督教吸收了古羅馬神話的結果。4、復活節Easter is an important festival in the West. It falls on the first Sunday after the full moon in the spring equinox every year. Christians believe that Easter symbolizes rebirth and hope in commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after he was crucified between 30 and 33 A.D.復活節是壹個西方的重要節日,在每年春分月圓之後第壹個星期日。基督徒認為,復活節象征著重生與希望,為紀念耶穌基督於公元30到33年之間被釘死在十字架之後第三天復活的日子。5、感恩節Thanksgiving Day, a traditional Western holiday, is a festival originally created by the American people. It is also a festival for American family reunion. At the beginning, there was no fixed date for Thanksgiving, which was decided temporarily by the states of the United States. Until 1863, after the independence of the United States, President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday. In 1941, the United States Congress officially designated the fourth Thursday in November as "Thanksgiving Day". Thanksgiving holidays usually last from Thursday to Sunday.感恩節,西方傳統節日,是美國人民獨創的壹個節日,也是美國人合家歡聚的節日。 初時感恩節沒有固定日期,由美國各州臨時決定。直到美國獨立後的1863年,林肯總統宣布感恩節為全國性節日。1941年,美國國會正式將每年11月第四個星期四定為“感恩節”。感恩節假期壹般會從星期四持續到星期天。