當前位置:吉日网官网 - 傳統文化 - 高考英語作文關於 尊老愛幼

高考英語作文關於 尊老愛幼


The old and the young are two indispensable parts of society. We should treat them well.


On the one hand, the elderly should be respected by the whole society. We should always remember that what we have and enjoy now was created by the early old people.


On the other hand, we should all take good care of young people. It is the children who let us see the future of the country, because they are the builders of the future of the country.


Therefore, we should take care of them and protect them from harm. But that doesn't mean we can spoil them.


It is a Chinese tradition to respect, care for and support the elderly and to protect, educate and care for young people.


Let's keep and carry forward this virtue together, because only in this way can we feel that we live in a happy family and our society will develop harmoniously.


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