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Chinese Ethnic Costumes

Chinese Traditional Costumes of Past Dynasties 中國歷代傳統服飾

China, known as a" land of dresses",has a long history in the development of its clothing culture. Dresses in different periods reflect, to a certain extent, the situation of the politics, economy, military affairs, religions, and the civil customs of the specific historical stages. In the primitive society, people led a simple life in caves and generally worn nothing. In the Neolithic Age, the ancestors of the Chinese people were able to make tools. They invented bone needles and sewed primitive cloths. About 5,000 years ago, during the Yangshao Cultural Period, people lived a stable life and agriculture and textiles came into being. They raised silkworms and began to weave silk clothing which made people's clothing more perfect. After human kind entered the class society, clothing became the symbol of people's social statuses. During the Western Zhou Dynasty (1066-771B.C.), China virtually had a complete clothing system. From the Zhou Dynasty to the elimination of the feudal society in China, emperors, empresses, imperial concubines, princes, princesses, officials, and common people were attired in different ways.

Chinese clothing in the past dynasties can be roughly divided into the following categories: clothing of the remote times; that of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties; that of the Qin and Han Dynasties; that of the Wei, Jin, and Northern and Southern Dynasties; that of the Sui, Tang ,and the Five Dynasties; that of the Song Dynasty; that of the Liao, Jin, and Yuan Dynasties; that of the Ming Dynasty; that of the Qing Dynasty; and that of modern times.



中國,稱為“土地的衣服” ,有著悠久的歷史發展及其服飾文化。服裝反映了不同時期,在壹定程度上,這種情況的政治,經濟,軍事事務,宗教和民間習俗的特定歷史階段。在原始社會,人領導的壹個簡單的生活在山洞裏,壹般穿什麽。


壹般穿什麽。在新石器時代的祖先中國人民能夠作出的工具。他們發明的骨針和縫原始布。大約5000年前,在仰韶時期的文化,人民生活穩定的生活,農業和紡織品應運而生。他們提出的蠶,並開始編織絲綢服裝使人們的衣著更加完善。在人類進入階級社會,服裝的象征,成為人們的社會地位。在西周( 1066 - 771B.C 。 ) ,中國幾乎有壹個完整的服裝體系。從周朝消除在我國封建社會,皇帝,皇後,後妃,王子,公主,官員和普通百姓都穿著不同的方式。

中國服裝歷代大致可分為下列幾類:服裝遠程倍; ,在商周時期,即秦漢;是魏晉和南北朝時期;即隋,唐,五代,即宋代;是遼,金,


China is a country consisting of 56 ethnic nationalities, and each of them has its own clothing style with distinct ethnic characteristics, due to the influence of different culture, traditions, and geographical feature. On the other hand, they influenced and learned from one another in the way they dresses themselves as people of various ethnic lived together or migrate.


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