Tai Chi is a Chinese martial arts, boxing classified as within the family. Ming Dynasty (specifically unknown), Shanxi martial artist Wang Zongyue of "Shadow Boxing", before deciding on the name Taijiquan. Yang Lu Chan (1800 - 1873), contributed to the rapid spread of Taijiquan in the country and spread so widely known tai chi. After 1949, the National Sports Commission unity adapted physical fitness as gymnastics, acting, sports purposes. After China's reform and opening up, partly restore the original appearance; thus subdivided into the contest with the tai chi [1], with gymnastics Tai Chi exercise and Taiji. Many traditional martial art tai chi, tai chi common genre Chen, Yang, Wu, Wu, Sun, Fort Zhao, Wudang and other factions, factions in both the inheritance relationship, learn from each other, but also have their own characteristics, the state was flourishing . As of April 2014, neighboring countries such as South Korea, Japan and India have started work Taijiquan inscription.
太極拳是中國武術的壹種,歸類為內家拳。明朝萬歷年間(具體年月不詳),山西武術家王宗嶽著《太極拳論》,才確定了太極拳的名稱。楊露禪(1800 ~1873),推動了太極拳在全國的快速普及和傳播,使得太極拳廣為人知。1949年後,被國家體委統壹改編作為強身健體之體操運動、表演、體育比賽用途。中國改革開放後,部分還原本來面貌;從而再分為比武用的太極拳[1]、體操運動用的太極操和太極推手。傳統太極拳門派眾多,常見的太極拳流派有陳、楊、吳、武、 孫、趙堡、武當等派別,各派既有傳承關系,相互借鑒,也各有自己的特點,呈百花齊放之態。截至2014年4月,周邊國家如韓國、日本、印度等都已著手太極拳申遺工作。
上一篇:蘇州園林 隔而不隔,界而不界 的藝術效果是如何形成的下一篇:荷花的學名叫什麽?